“It is more important to click with people than to click the shutter."-

Alfred Eisenstaedt

Behind the scenes

Bud Wichers is photographing himself near Mosul in Iraq.
Bud Wichers is filming a Pegida demonstration in Holland.
Bud Wichers behind symbolic bars for a Free a Girl campaign.
Bud Wichers is photographing the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem.
Bud Wichers is filming the car of the President of the United States in Londen.
Bud Wichers is being filmed for a tv show in Colombia with Colombian soldiers.
Bud Wichers is interviewed by RTL Late Night about ISIS drone strikes.
Bud Wichers is sitting in the old city in Jerusalem in Israel.
Bud Wichers is photographing in front of a humvee that  was hit by an IED.

Bud Wichers, a trusted and unbiased phototographer and (video)journalist in the field.

Photos of Bud Wichers by: Joris van Gennip, Kristina Atovska, Joris Maas, Alaa Abdulfatah, Bart Coolen, Ben Korengevel, Vitali Riznyk, Young Celine Kun, Joey Bremer, Salman Muhiddin, Ettora Hesseling, Vladimir Lurchuk, Gul Kim, Joost Wierenga, RTL, Harian Disway and CNN.